
All Creatures of Our God and King

I've been thinking that if God's eye is on the sparrow, His eye is also on little cats who are out trying to catch sparrows for lunch.  Thinking about that is comforting to me and encourages me to keep praying for our little lost cat. I keep calling her little, because she only weighs about five pounds and that's how I think of her.
She's little like Granny from the old Beverly Hillbillies show was little, though. She's old and bold, small and scrappy, a survivor. She thinks humans exist to meet her needs and I have no doubt that when she feels a need, she'll approach a human and loudly demand to have it met. Anyone who tried to take her in would probably be getting more than they bargained for.  I think of Sasha as our cat, but she's only been our cat for one of the more than ten years of her life. We're glad at least that the weather has been so nice since she went missing.

Since Sasha left, Gypsy, our mixed breed dog who we also brought home from the shelter, has taken up an interesting habit. She's been lying on the back patio a lot, eyes wide open, scanning the area where she may have last seen Sasha go through a hole under the fence. Gypsy is probably nine or ten years younger than Sasha. She must have a lot of some herding breed in her, because she has strong herding instincts. She doesn't accept the fact that you can't herd cats and she never stops trying.

Sasha tended to bully Luna, so I'm not sure Luna misses her very much.

Meanwhile, we're pleased with how well Zoe is doing after her surgery. If she were human we'd recognize her surgery as a much bigger deal than either Rick's recent hernia repair or my upcoming lumpectomy - more physically traumatic and harder to recover from. We're getting her out for walks daily, increasing the time gradually, and she's slowly starting to bear more weight on that hind leg. We're still giving her pain medication daily and keeping a close eye on her to try to prevent her from hurting herself by falling or jumping.

With Sasha gone, Penny is once again the senior pet in the household. She's the leader of the dog pack anyway and hanging onto that position by a thread. It's a tiring job, but someone has to do it.

These animals add so much to our lives.

All creatures of our God and King,
Lift up your voice and with us sing...

 Let all things their Creator Bless,
And worship Him in humbleness

- Francis of Assisi

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