
Sunshine in My Forecast

Yesterday I got some of the happiest news I could imagine. Both of my daughters are coming to visit soon after my surgery. I wouldn't have asked them to. I don't expect my lumpectomy to be a big deal physically and don't think I'll  need much in the way of practical help that my husband and son wouldn't be willing and able to take care of. Both of my daughters have full, busy lives with families of their own. I never would have asked them to come or wanted them to feel like they should.

But, oh, how it lifts my spirits to know my girls are coming! Some of the happiest times in my life are the times I've spent one-on-one with each of them and times we've all three spent together. Neither of them has lived in San Antonio since they got married.

Kelly and Greg have lived in Dallas, Iowa, Kansas and now back in Dallas, where they are raising their three daughters, two of whom are teenagers, and where Kelly works full-time as a speech therapist.

Erika married the son of Kelly and Greg's former next door neighbors in Iowa, so Erika has lived all her married life in Des Moines where she and Darin are raising two active high-energy preschoolers, one of whom has special needs that require them to stay one step ahead of her just to keep her safe.

I am so thankful that both of my sons-in-law are encouraging and helping my daughters to come visit me. This is no small sacrifice on their parts. And I'm also thankful for their friends and in-laws who are also helping to make these visits possible.

Now if you'll indulge me in a little nostalgia, I hope you'll enjoy these pictures as much as I do.

April 1981

 October 1981

How I love those daughters of mine!

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